How do I determine well producibility?

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§ 550.115 How do I determine well producibility?

You must follow the procedures in this section to determine well producibility if your well is not in the GOM. If your well is in the GOM you must follow the procedures in either this section or in § 550.116 of this subpart.

(a) You must write to the Regional Supervisor asking for permission to determine producibility.

(b) You must either:

(1) Allow the Regional Supervisor to witness each test that you conduct under this section; or

(2) Receive the Regional Supervisor prior approval so that you can submit either test data with your affidavit or third party test data.

(c) If the well is an oil well, you must conduct a production test that lasts at least 2 hours after flow stabilizes.

(d) If the well is a gas well, you must conduct a deliverability test that lasts at least 2 hours after flow stabilizes, or a four-point back pressure test.

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