General response plan requirements.

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§ 254.5 General response plan requirements.

(a) The OSRP must provide for response to an oil spill from the facility. You must immediately carry out the provisions of the OSRP whenever there is a release of oil from the facility. You must also carry out the training, equipment testing, and periodic drills described in the OSRP, and these measures must be sufficient to ensure the safety of the facility and to mitigate or prevent a discharge or a substantial threat of a discharge.

(b) The OSRP must be consistent with the National Contingency Plan and the appropriate Area Contingency Plan(s).

(c) Nothing in this part relieves you from taking all appropriate actions necessary to immediately abate the source of a spill and remove any spills of oil.

(d) In addition to the requirements listed in this part, you must provide any other information the Chief, OSPD, requires for compliance with appropriate laws and regulations.

[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 81 FR 36152, June 6, 2016]

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