How must I format my OSRP?

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§ 254.21 How must I format my OSRP?

(a) You must divide your OSRP for OCS facilities into the sections specified in paragraph (b) of this section and explained in the other sections of this subpart. The OSRP must have an easily found marker identifying each section. You may use an alternate format if you include a cross reference table to identify the location of required sections. You may use alternate contents if you can demonstrate to the Chief, OSPD that they provide for equal or greater levels of preparedness.

(b) Your OSRP must include:

(1) Introduction and OSRP contents.

(2) Emergency response action plan.

(3) Appendices:

(i) Equipment inventory.

(ii) Contractual agreements.

(iii) Worst case discharge scenario.

(iv) Dispersant use plan.

(v) In situ burning plan.

(vi) Training and drills.

[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 81 FR 36152, June 6, 2016]

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