Foam firefighting systems.

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§ 250.861 Foam firefighting systems.

When you install foam firefighting systems as part of a firefighting system that protects production handling areas, you must:

(a) Annually conduct an inspection of the foam concentrates and their tanks or storage containers for evidence of excessive sludging or deterioration;

(b) Annually send samples of the foam concentrate to the manufacturer or authorized representative for quality condition testing. You must have the sample tested to determine the specific gravity, pH, percentage of water dilution, and solid content. Based on these results, the foam must be certified by an authorized representative of the manufacturer as suitable firefighting foam consistent with the original manufacturer's specifications. The certification document must be readily accessible for field inspection. In lieu of sampling and certification, you may choose to replace the total inventory of foam with suitable new stock;

(c) Ensure that the quantity of concentrate meets design requirements, and that tanks or containers are kept full, with space allowed for expansion.

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