Specification for all boarding shutdown valves (BSDVs) associated with subsea systems.

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§ 250.835 Specification for all boarding shutdown valves (BSDVs) associated with subsea systems.

You must install a BSDV on the pipeline boarding riser. All new BSDVs and any BSDVs removed from service for remanufacturing or repair and their actuators installed on the OCS must meet the requirements specified in §§ 250.801 through 250.803. In addition, you must:

(a) Ensure that the internal design pressure(s) of the pipeline(s), riser(s), and BSDV(s) is fully rated for the maximum pressure of any input source and complies with the design requirements set forth in subpart J, unless BSEE approves an alternate design.

(b) Use a BSDV that is fire rated for 30 minutes, and is pressure rated for the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) approved in your pipeline application.

(c) Locate the BSDV within 10 feet of the first point of access to the boarding pipeline riser (i.e., within 10 feet of the edge of platform if the BSDV is horizontal, or within 10 feet above the first accessible working deck, excluding the boat landing and above the splash zone, if the BSDV is vertical).

(d) Install a temperature safety element (TSE) and locate it within 5 feet of each BSDV.

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