How often do I have to monitor for casing pressure?

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§ 250.520 How often do I have to monitor for casing pressure?

You must monitor for casing pressure in your well according to the following table:

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If you have . . . you must monitor . . . with a minimum one pressure data point recorded per . . .
(a) fixed platform wells, monthly, month for each casing.
(b) subsea wells, continuously, day for the production casing.
(c) hybrid wells, continuously, day for each riser and/or the production casing.
(d) wells operating under a casing pressure request on a manned fixed platform, daily, day for each casing.
(e) wells operating under a casing pressure request on an unmanned fixed platform, weekly, week for each casing.

[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011. Redesignated at 77 FR 50894, Aug. 22, 2012]

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