How will BSEE determine if my SEMS program is effective?

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§ 250.1924 How will BSEE determine if my SEMS program is effective?

(a) The BSEE, or its authorized representative, may evaluate or visit your facility(ies) to determine whether your SEMS program is in place, addresses all required elements, is effective in protecting worker safety and health and the environment, and preventing incidents. The BSEE, or its authorized representative, may evaluate any and all aspects of your SEMS program as outlined in this subpart. These evaluations or visits may be random and may be based upon your performance or that of your contractors.

(b) For the evaluations, you must make the following available to BSEE upon request:

(1) Your SEMS program;

(2) Your audit team's qualifications;

(3) The SEMS audits conducted of your program;

(4) Documents or information relevant to whether you have addressed and corrected the deficiencies of your audit; and

(5) Other relevant documents or information.

(c) During the site visit BSEE may verify that:

(1) Personnel are following your SEMS program,

(2) You can explain and demonstrate the procedures and policies included in your SEMS program; and

(3) You can produce evidence to support the implementation of your SEMS program.

[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 78 FR 20442, Apr. 5, 2013]

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