To what depth must I remove wellheads and casings?

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§ 250.1716 To what depth must I remove wellheads and casings?

(a) Unless the District Manager approves an alternate depth under paragraph (b) of this section, you must remove all wellheads and casings to at least 15 feet below the mud line.

(b) The District Manager may approve an alternate removal depth if:

(1) The wellhead or casing would not become an obstruction to other users of the seafloor or area, and geotechnical and other information you provide demonstrate that erosional processes capable of exposing the obstructions are not expected; or

(2) You determine, and BSEE concurs, that you must use divers, and the seafloor sediment stability poses safety concerns; or

(3) The water depth is greater than 1,000 feet.

[76 FR 64462, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 84 FR 21985, May 15, 2019]

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