What is ONRR's policy on recommending revocation of your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way?
CFR 30
Mineral Resources
Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Department of the Interior
Natural Resources Revenue
Collection of Royalties, Rentals, Bonuses, and Other Monies Due the Federal Government
Debt Collection and Administrative Offset
- What is ONRR's policy on recommending revocation of your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way?
The Director may recommend that the leasing or issuing agency, under statutory or regulatory authority applicable to that agency, revoke your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way if you inexcusably or willfully fail to pay a debt. The Director will recommend that any revocation of your ability to engage in Federal or Indian leasing, licensing, or granting of easements, permits, or rights-of-way should last only as long as your debt remains unpaid or unresolved.
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