(a) You must use a separate entry on form ONRR-4430 to notify ONRR of an allowance based on transportation costs you or your affiliate incur(s).
(b) ONRR may require you or your affiliate to submit arm's-length transportation contracts, production agreements, operating agreements, and related documents.
(c) You can find recordkeeping requirements in parts 1207 and 1212 of this chapter.
(1) You must submit page 1 of the initial form ONRR-4293 prior to, or at the same time as, you report the transportation allowance determined under an arm's-length contract on form ONRR-4430.
(2) The initial form ONRR-4293 is effective beginning with the production month when you are first authorized to deduct a transportation allowance and continues until the end of the calendar year, or until the termination, modification, or amendment of the applicable contract or rate, whichever is earlier.
(3) After the initial period when ONRR first authorized you to deduct a transportation allowance and for succeeding periods, you must submit the entire form ONRR-4293 by the earlier of the following:
(i) Within three months after the end of the calendar year
(ii) After the termination, modification, or amendment of the applicable contract or rate
(4) You may request to use an allowance for a longer period than that required under paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
(i) You may use that allowance beginning with the production month following the month when ONRR received your request to use the allowance for a longer period until ONRR decides whether to approve the longer period.
(ii) ONRR's decision whether or not to approve a longer period is not appealable under 30 CFR part 1290.
(iii) If ONRR does not approve the longer period, you must adjust your transportation allowance under § 1206.466.