“Ginning” of cotton.

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§ 780.804 “Ginning” of cotton.

The term “ginning” refers to operations performed on “seed cotton” to separate the seeds from the spinnable fibers. (Moore v. Farmer's Manufacturing and Ginning Co., 51 Ariz., 378, 77 F. 2d 209; Frazier v. Stone, 171 Miss. 56, 156 So. 596). “Seed cotton” is cotton in its natural state (Burchfield v. Tanner, 142 Tex. 404, 178 S.W. 2d 681, 683) and the ginning to which section 13(b)(15) refers is the “first processing” of this agricultural commodity (107 Cong. Rec. (daily ed.) p. 5887), which converts it into the marketable product commonly known as “lint cotton” (Wirtz v. Southern Pickery Inc. (W.D. Tenn.) 278 F. Supp. 729; Mangan v. State, 76 Ala. 60, 66) by removing the seed from the lint and then pressing and wrapping the lint into bales.

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