(a) In the event briefs are authorized by the Board or the assigned Hearing Officer, principal briefs shall not exceed fifty (50) pages in length and reply briefs, if permitted, shall not exceed twenty-five (25) pages in length unless the participant desiring to submit a brief in excess of such limitation requests a waiver of such limitation from the Board which is received within five (5) days of the date on which the briefs were ordered or, in the case of a reply brief, within five (5) days of receipt of the principal brief, and in such cases the Board may require the filing of a summary of argument, suitably paragraphed which shoud be a succinct, but accurate and clear, condensation of the argument actually made in the brief.
(b) The page limitations provided by this section (§ 1202.15) are exclusive of those pages containing the table of contents, tables of citations and any copies of administrative or court decisions which have been cited in the brief. All briefs shall be submitted on standard 81⁄2 × 11 inch paper with double spaced type.
(c) Briefs not complying with this section (§ 1202.15) will be returned promptly to their initiators.
[44 FR 10601, Feb. 22, 1979]