When all of the distilled spirits or wines represented by a single application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, have been withdrawn from customs custody and laden and used on aircraft, the airline shall prepare a certificate of use on which are itemized all the requisitions pertaining to such distilled spirits or wines. The certificate shall be executed under the penalties of perjury by an officer of the airline and shall show the name of the exporter, the entry number, the brand and kind of distilled spirits or wines, and the number of bottles to be accounted for; and, as to each requisition, the requisition (or kit) number, the date laden, the registry number of the aircraft, the country for which the aircraft was cleared, and the number of bottles used. When completed, the certificate shall be presented to the customs officer at the airport who shall then execute his certificate on both copies of the appropriate application, notice, or claim, TTB Form 5100.11, 5110.30, or 1582-A (5120.24), as the case may be, noting thereon any exception, such as shortages or breakage. The customs officer shall then attach the certificate of use to the copy of the appropriate form and forward both copies of the form to the district director of customs.
[25 FR 5734, June 23, 1960. Redesignated at 40 FR 16835, Apr. 15, 1975]