Relocation assistance.

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§ 700.605 Relocation assistance.

(a) Each eligible head of household of Hopi reservation evictees shall be entitled to receive the following assistance:

(1) Relocation advisory services as provided in § 700.135 of this part;

(2) Moving and search expenses, as provided in § 700.151 of this part;

(3) Replacement housing payments as set forth below.


(1) If the head of household owns no dwelling, the Commission will make funds available to the head of household as provided in these regulations for the acquisition of a replacement home in one of the following manners:

(i) Purchase of an existing home by the head of household,

(ii) Contracting by the head of household for the construction of a home,

(iii) Participation or purchase by the head of household in a mutual help housing or other home ownership project under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (50 Stat. 888, as amended; 42 U.S.C. 1401) or in any other federally assisted housing program.

(2) If the eligible head of household owns or is buying or building a home, the Commission will expend relocation benefits in one of the following manners:

(i) If the home is decent, safe and sanitary, but is encumbered by a mortgage, such mortgage existing as of the effective date of these regulations, the Commission may expend replacement housing benefits up to the maximum then existing replacement home benefit to accelerate to the maximum extent possible the achievement by that household of debt-free home ownership.

(ii) If the home is owned free and clear but does not meet Commission decent, safe and sanitary standards; or the home is neither owned free and clear, nor is decent, safe and sanitary, the Commission will, at its discretion either:

(A) Expend replacement home benefits for improvements to assure the home meets the Commission's decent, safe and sanitary standards, or

(B) Expend replacement home benefits for the acquisition of a replacement dwelling as if the eligible head of household or spouse did not own a home as in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(3) If the home is decent, safe and sanitary, and is owned free and clear, no replacement housing benefits will be paid.

(4) The amount of the replacement housing payment shall be calculated in accordance with § 700.183 of these rules except that no compensation will be paid for habitation and improvements.

(5) The determination of whether the head of household of Hopi reservation evictees currently occupies a decent, safe and sanitary dwelling shall be made in accordance with § 700.55 of these rules.

(C) If the head of household has received equivalent assistance from other federal agencies as defined in § 700.601(d), they shall not be entitled to additional assistance from the Commission.

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