Action by the Chairman.

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§ 533.4 Action by the Chairman.

(a) The Chairman shall approve or disapprove a management contract, applying the standards contained in § 533.6 of this part, within 180 days of the date on which the Chairman receives a complete submission under § 533.3 of this part, unless the Chairman notifies the tribe and management contractor in writing of the need for an extension of up to ninety (90) days.

(b) A tribe may bring an action in a U.S. district court to compel action by the Chairman:

(1) After 180 days following the date on which the Chairman receives a complete submission if the Chairman does not approve or disapprove the contract under this part; or

(2) After 270 days following the Chairman's receipt of a complete submission if the Chairman has told the tribe and management contractor in writing of the need for an extension and has not approved or disapproved the contract under this part.

[74 FR 36935, July 27, 2009]

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