Submission requirements.

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§ 522.2 Submission requirements.

A tribe shall submit to the Chairman all of the following information with a request for approval of a class II or class III ordinance or resolution:

(a) One copy on 812″ × 11″ paper of an ordinance or resolution certified as authentic by an authorized tribal official and that meets the approval requirements in § 522.4(b) or 522.6 of this part;

(b) A description of procedures to conduct or cause to be conducted background investigations on key employees and primary management officials and to ensure that key employees and primary management officials are notified of their rights under the Privacy Act as specified in § 556.2 of this chapter;

(c) A description of procedures to issue tribal licenses to primary management officials and key employees;

(d) Copies of all tribal gaming regulations;

(e) When an ordinance or resolution concerns class III gaming, a copy of the tribal-state compact or procedures as prescribed by the Secretary;

(f) A description of procedures for resolving disputes between the gaming public and the tribe or the management contractor;

(g) Designation of an agent for service under § 519.1 of this chapter; and

(h) Identification of a law enforcement agency that will take fingerprints and a description of procedures for conducting a criminal history check by a law enforcement agency. Such a criminal history check shall include a check of criminal history records information maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

(i) A tribe shall provide Indian lands or environmental and public health and safety documentation that the Chairman may in his or her discretion request as needed.

[58 FR 5810, Jan. 22, 1993, as amended at 58 FR 16494, Mar. 29, 1993; 73 FR 6029, Feb. 1, 2008]

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