Requirements for making requests.

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§ 517.4 Requirements for making requests.

(a) How to make a FOIA request. Requests for records made pursuant to the FOIA must be in writing. Requests may be mailed, dropped off in person, or faxed to (202) 632-7066 (not a toll free number). Requests that are dropped off in person should be made at 90 K Street NE, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20002 during the hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Requests that are mailed should be sent to NIGC Attn: FOIA Officer, 1849 C Street NW, Mail Stop #1621, Washington, DC 20240. Requests may also be sent via electronic mail addressed to or submitted through the Commission's website.

(b) First person requests for records. If the requester is making a request for records about himself/herself, the requester must provide verification of identity. Verification requirements are described in 25 CFR 515.3.

(c) Requests for records about another individual. If the requester is making a request for records about another individual, the requester may receive greater access by submitting either a notarized authorization signed by that individual, a declaration made in compliance with the requirements set forth in 28 U.S.C. 1746 by that individual authorizing disclosure of the records to the requester or by submitting proof that the individual is deceased (for example, a copy of the death certificate or a copy of the obituary).

(d) Description of records sought. Requests for records shall describe the records requested with as much specificity as possible to enable Commission employees to locate the information requested with a reasonable amount of effort. Whenever possible, the request should describe the subject matter of the records sought, the time periods in which the records were generated, and any tribe or tribal gaming facility with which they were associated. Before submitting a request, requesters may contact the Commission's FOIA contact or FOIA Public Liaison to discuss the records being sought and receive assistance describing the records. If after receiving a request the FOIA Officer determines that it does not reasonably describe the records sought, the FOIA Officer must inform the requester of what additional information is needed or why the request is otherwise insufficient. Requesters who are attempting to reformulate or modify such a request may discuss their request with the Commission's FOIA contact or FOIA Public Liaison. If a request does not reasonably describe the records sought, the agency's response to the request may be delayed.

(e) Agreement to pay fees. Requests shall also include a statement indicating the maximum amount of fees the requester is willing to pay to obtain the requested information, or a request for a waiver or reduction of fees. If the requester is requesting a waiver or reduction of fees the requester must include justification for such waiver or reduction (see § 517.9(c) for more information). If the request for a fee waiver is denied, the requester will be notified of this decision and advised that fees associated with the processing of the request will be assessed. The requester must send an acknowledgment to the FOIA Officer indicating his/her willingness to pay the fees. Absent such acknowledgment within the specified time frame, the request will be considered incomplete, no further work shall be done, and the request will be administratively closed.

(f) Form or format of records requested. Requesters may specify their preferred form or format (including electronic formats) for the records sought. The Commission will accommodate such requests where the record is readily reproducible in that form or format.

(g) Types of records not available. The FOIA does not require the Commission to:

(1) Compile or create records solely for the purpose of satisfying a request for records;

(2) Provide records not yet in existence, even if such records may be expected to come into existence at some future time; or

(3) Restore records destroyed or otherwise disposed of, except that the FOIA Officer must notify the requester that the requested records have been destroyed or disposed.

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