What opportunity is there for a voluntary repayment agreement when the Commission is the creditor agency?

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§ 513.34 What opportunity is there for a voluntary repayment agreement when the Commission is the creditor agency?

(a) In response to a Notice of Intent, an employee may propose to repay the debt voluntarily in lieu of salary offset by submitting a written proposed repayment schedule to the Commission. A proposal must be received by the Commission within 15 calendar days after the employee is sent the Notice of Intent.

(b) The Commission will notify the employee whether, within the Commission's discretion, the proposed repayment schedule is acceptable.

(c) If the proposed repayment schedule is unacceptable, the employee will have 15 calendar days from the date the notice of the decision is received in which to file a request for a hearing.

(d) If the proposed repayment schedule is acceptable or the employee agrees to a modification proposed by the Commission, the agreement will be put in writing and signed by the employee and the Commission.

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