Are there staff training requirements?

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§ 36.86 Are there staff training requirements?

(a) All homeliving program staff as well as all employees that supervise students participating in homeliving services and activities must have the appropriate certification or licensing requirements up to date and on file. Programs must provide annual and continuous professional training and development appropriate to the certification and licensing requirements.

(b) All homeliving program staff as well as all employees who supervise students participating in homeliving services and activities must receive annual training in the topics set out in this section before the first day of student occupancy for the year.

(1) First Aid/Safety/Emergency & Crisis Preparedness;

(2) CPR - Automated External Defibrillator;

(3) Student Checkout Policy;

(4) Confidentiality (Health Information Privacy Act and the Family Education Right to Privacy Act.);

(5) Medication Administration;

(6) Student Rights;

(7) Child Abuse Reporting Requirements and Protection Procedures; and

(8) Suicide Prevention.

(c) Homeliving staff as well as all employees that supervise students participating in homeliving services and activities must be given the following training annually:

(1) De-escalation/Conflict Resolution;

(2) Substance Abuse Issues;

(3) Ethics;

(4) Parenting skills/Child Care;

(5) Special Education and Working with Students with Disabilities;

(6) Student Supervision Skills;

(7) Child Development (recognizes various stages of development in the student population);

(8) Basic Counseling Skills; and

(9) Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).

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