All contracts must contain the following:
(a) The education plan containing the education programs approved by the Indian Education Committee(s);
(b) Any formal written determination and findings made by the BIE Director supporting the need for operational support as required by § 273.133(c); and
(c) A provision that State, local, and other Federal Funds will be used to provide comparable services to non-Indian and Indian students prior to the use of Johnson-O'Malley funds for the provision of supplementary program services to Indian children, as required in § 273.143(b).
(d) Public Laws 102-477 and 93-638 Self-Governance Tribes must submit their education plan as required by paragraph (a) of this section to the BIE Director for review. The BIE Director will forward copies of the education plans to the 477 office or the Office of Tribal Self-Governance, as appropriate.