(a) States, public school districts, or Indian corporations must comply with the requirements in this part.
(b) The requirements of this part apply to Tribal organizations (including but not limited to provisions regarding how funds can be used under the Johnson-O'Malley Act and reporting requirements), except that Tribal organizations do not need to comply with:
(1) Sections 273.120 - 273.121, regarding approval of an education plan by the Director;
(2) Section 273.125, regarding entering into a contract as a new contracting party;
(3) Sections 273.132 - 273.135, regarding review, approval, and negotiation of the contract;
(4) Section 273.142, regarding advance payments;
(5) Any section in subpart H (other than the following sections, which still apply: § 273.170, regarding special program provisions to be included in a contract, § 273.172, regarding State employees' access to Tribal lands, reservations or allotments, and § 273.182, regarding penalties for misusing funds or property);
(6) Any section in subpart I (other than § 273.194, regarding the Indian Education Committee's authority to recommend cancellation or suspension of contracts, which still applies);
(7) Any section in subpart K (other than § 273.208).
(c) The contract proposal submitted by the Tribal organization must meet the requirements in part 900 or 1000 of this chapter, in addition to those in § 273.130 except that education plans must be submitted to the BIE Director for approval in accordance with § 273.170. The requirements in part 900 or 1000 of this chapter apply to contracts and compacts with Tribal organizations, except for the provisions in §§ 900.240 through 900.256, 1000.300, and 1000.330 of this chapter concerning retrocession and reassumption of programs. If a Tribal organization retrocedes a contract, the Bureau will then contract with a State, public school district, or Indian corporation for the supplemental programs or operational support. Redesign and reallocation under either Title I contracts or Title IV compacts must be done with approval in accordance with § 900.8(g)(6) of this chapter.