What housing services are available?

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§ 256.7 What housing services are available?

Four categories of assistance are available under the HIP, as outlined in the following table.

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Type of assistance What it provides Where to find information
Category A Up to $7,500 in safety or sanitation repairs to the house in which you live, which will remain substandard. Can be provided more than once, but not for more than one house and the total assistance cannot exceed $7,500. (For Alaska, freight cost not to exceed 100 percent of the cost of materials can be added to the cost of the project.) § 256.8.
Category B Up to $60,000 in renovation, which will bring your house to standard housing condition, as defined in § 256.2 of this part. Can only be provided once. (For Alaska, freight cost not to exceed 100 percent of the cost of materials can be added to the cost of the project.) § 256.9.
Category C A modest house that meets the criteria in § 256.10 of this part and the definition of standard housing in § 256.2 of this part and whose costs are determined by and limited to the criteria in § 256.19(b) and (c) of this part. Can only be provided once. (For Alaska, freight cost not to exceed 100 percent of the cost of materials can be added to the cost of the project.) § 256.10.
Category D Assistance towards the purchase of a modest house that meets the definition of standard housing in § 256.2 § 256.11.

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