(a) Definition. Commercial fishing is the taking, fishing for, or possession of fish, shellfish, or other fishery resources with the intent of disposing of such fish, shellfish, or other fishery resources or parts thereof for profit, or by sale, barter, trade, or in commercial channels.
(b) Trap fishing sites; number and location. During 1963, and until the Secretary of the Interior or his duly authorized representative determines otherwise, the Metlakatla Indian Community is permitted to operate not more than one trap per site for salmon fishing at any four of the following sites in the Annette Islands Reserve, Alaska:
(1) Annette Island at 55 degrees 15 minutes 09 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds west longitude.
(2) Annette Island at 55 degrees 12 minutes 52 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 36 minutes 10 seconds west longitude.
(3) Annette Island at 55 degrees 02 minutes 47 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 38 minutes 53 seconds west longitude.
(4) Annette Island at 55 degrees 05 minutes 41 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 36 minutes 39 seconds west longitude.
(5) Annette Island at 55 degrees 01 minute 54 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 38 minutes 36 seconds west longitude.
(6) Annette Island at 55 degrees 00 minutes 45 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds west longitude.
(7) Annette Island at 54 degrees 59 minutes 41 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 36 minutes 48 seconds west longitude.
(8) Ham Island at 55 degrees 10 minutes 13 seconds north latitude, 131 degrees 19 minutes 31 seconds west longitude.
(c) Trap fishing season. Fishing for salmon with traps operated by the Metlakatla Indian Community is permitted only at such times as commercial salmon fishing with purse seines is permitted by order or regulation of the Alaska Board of Fish and Game for Commercial Fishing in any part of the following area: from the point at which meridian 132°17′30″, thence due east along said parallel to longitude 130°49′15″, then due south along said meridian to the point at which it intersects with the United States-Canadian boundary, thence due west along said boundary to the point of beginning, provided, however, that the Secretary or his duly authorized representative may upon request by the Metlakatla Indian Community, authorize fishing for salmon with traps, at such other times as he shall prescribe, which authorization shall be based upon the following criteria:
(1) Number of fish required for spawning escapement and any other requirements reasonable and necessary for conservation;
(2) Fair and equitable sharing of the salmon resource with other user groups fishing in State waters under State law and within the State fisheries management system; and
(3) The federal purpose in the establishment and maintenance of the Metlakatla Indian Reservation.
(d) Size, construction and closure of fish traps -
(1) Size. When any part of a trap is in a greater depth of water than 100 feet, the trap as measured from shore at mean high tide to the outer face of the pot shall not extend beyond 900 feet.
(2) Construction. Poles shall be permanently secured to the webbing at each side of the mouth of the pot tunnel and shall extend from the tunnel floor to a height at least four feet above the water. A draw line shall be reeved through the lower end of both poles and the upper end of one.
(3) Method of closing. The tunnel walls shall be overlapped as far as possible across the pot gap and the draw line shall be pulled tight and both secured so as to completely close the tunnel. In addition, 25 feet of the webbing of the heart on each side next to the pot shall be lifted or lowered in such manner as to permit the free passage of fish.
(e) Other forms of commercial fishing. All commercial fishing, other than with traps, shall be in accordance with the season and gear restrictions established by rule or regulation by the Alaska Board of Fish and Game for Commercial Fishing in any part of the previously defined area; provided, however, that the Secretary or his duly authorized representative may, upon request by the Metlakatla Indian Community authorize such other commercial fishing at such times as he shall prescribe, which authorization shall be based upon the following criteria:
(1) Number of fish required for spawning escapement and any other requirements reasonable and necessary for conservation;
(2) Fair and equitable sharing of the fishery resource with other user groups fishing in State waters under State law and within the State fisheries management system; and
(3) The Federal purpose in the establishment and maintenance of the Metlakatla Indian Reservation.
[28 FR 7183, July 12, 1963; 28 FR 12273, Nov. 20, 1963, as amended at 40 FR 24184, June 5, 1975. Redesignated at 47 FR 13327, Mar. 30, 1982]