What transit facilities and activities are eligible for TTP funding?

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§ 170.134 What transit facilities and activities are eligible for TTP funding?

Transit facilities and activities eligible for TTP funding include, but are not limited to:

(a) Acquiring, constructing, operating, supervising or inspecting new, used or refurbished equipment, buildings, facilities, buses, vans, water craft, and other vehicles for use in public transportation;

(b) Transit-related intelligent transportation systems;

(c) Rehabilitating, remanufacturing, and overhauling a transit vehicle;

(d) Preventive maintenance;

(e) Leasing transit vehicles, equipment, buildings, and facilities for use in mass transportation;

(f) Third-party contracts for otherwise eligible transit facilities and activities;

(g) Public transportation improvements that enhance economic and community development, such as bus shelters in shopping centers, parking lots, pedestrian improvements, and support facilities that incorporate other community services;

(h) Passenger shelters, bus stop signs, and similar passenger amenities;

(i) Introduction of new public transportation technology;

(j) Provision of fixed route, demand response services, and non-fixed route paratransit transportation services;

(k) Radio and communication equipment to support Tribal transit programs;

(l) Transit; and

(m) Any additional activities authorized by 49 U.S.C. 5311.

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