What do the terms “consultation,” “collaboration,” and “coordination” mean?

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§ 170.100 What do the terms “consultation,” “collaboration,” and “coordination” mean?

(a) Consultation means government-to-government communication, carried out in accordance with applicable Executive Orders, in a timely manner by all parties about a proposed or contemplated decision. The Departments' Consultation Policies and Plans can be found at http://www.indianaffairs.gov/WhoWeAre/AS-IA/Consultation/Templates/index.htm (DOI) or http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/tribal/news/consultation.htm (DOT)

(b) Collaboration means that all parties involved in carrying out planning and project development work together in a timely manner to achieve a common goal or objective.

(c) Coordination means that each party:

(1) Shares and compares in a timely manner its transportation plans, programs, projects, and schedules with the related plans, programs, projects, and schedules of the other parties; and

(2) Adjusts its plans, programs, projects, and schedules to optimize the efficient and consistent delivery of transportation projects and services.

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