What reports must the awardee submit?

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§ 1187.45 What reports must the awardee submit?

(a) Not later than one year after the date OIED awards the grant, and then annually for the duration of the grant, the awardee must submit to OIED a report describing the services the awardee provided under the IBIP during the preceding year, including:

(1) A detailed breakdown of the Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs receiving services from the business incubator, including, for the year covered by the report:

(i) The number of Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs participating in or receiving services from the business incubator and the types of services provided to those Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs;

(ii) The number of Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs established and jobs created or maintained; and

(iii) The performance of Native businesses and Native entrepreneurs while participating in the business incubator and after graduation or departure from the business incubator; and

(2) Any other information the Secretary may require to evaluate the performance of a business incubator to ensure appropriate implementation of the IBIP.

(b) To the maximum extent practicable, OIED will not require an awardee to report the information listed in paragraph (a) of this section that the awardee provides to OIED under another program.

(c) OIED will coordinate with the heads of other Federal agencies to ensure that, to the maximum extent practicable, the report content and form under paragraph (a) of this section are consistent with other reporting requirements for Federal programs that provide business and entrepreneurial assistance.

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