Under what circumstances may the BIA restrict your IIM account through supervision or an encumbrance?

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§ 115.601 Under what circumstances may the BIA restrict your IIM account through supervision or an encumbrance?

(a) The BIA may restrict your IIM account through supervision if the BIA:

(1) Receives an order from a court of competent jurisdiction that you are non-compos mentis; or

(2) Receives an order or judgment from a court of competent jurisdiction that you are an adult in need of assistance because you are “incapable of managing or administering property, including your financial affairs;” or

(3) Determines through an administrative process that you are an adult in need of assistance based on a finding by a licensed medical or mental health professional that you are “incapable of managing or administering property, including your financial affairs;” or

(4) Receives information from another federal agency that you are under a legal disability and that the agency has appointed a representative payee to receive federal benefits on your behalf.

(b) The BIA may restrict your IIM account through an encumbrance if the BIA:

(1) Receives an order from a court of competent jurisdiction awarding child support from your IIM account; or

(2) Receives from a third party:

(i) A copy of the original contract between you and the third party in which you used your IIM funds as security/collateral for the transaction;

(ii) A copy of the document showing that the BIA approved in advance the use of your IIM funds as security/collateral for the contract;

(iii) Proof of your default on the contract according to the terms of the contract; and

(iv) A copy of the original assignment of IIM income as security/collateral for the contract that is signed and dated by you and is notarized;

(3) Receives a money judgment from a Court of Indian Offenses pursuant to 25 CFR 11.208 or under any tribal law and order code;

(4) Is provided documentation showing that BIA or OTFM caused an administrative error which resulted in a deposit into your IIM account, or a disbursement to you, or to a third party on your behalf; or

(5) Is provided with proof of debts owed to the United States pursuant to § 115.104 of this part.

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