Except for actions covered by § 55.12(a), the decisionmaking process for compliance with this part contains eight steps, including public notices and an examination of practicable alternatives when addressing floodplains and wetlands. The steps to be followed in the decisionmaking process are as follows:
(a) Step 1. Determine whether the proposed action is located in the 100-year floodplain (500-year floodplain for critical actions) or results in new construction in a wetland. If the action does not occur in a floodplain or result in new construction in a wetland, then no further compliance with this part is required. The following process shall be followed by HUD (or the responsible entity) in making wetland determinations.
(1) Refer to § 55.28(a) where an applicant has submitted with its application to HUD (or to the recipient under programs subject to 24 CFR part 58) an individual Section 404 permit (including approval conditions and related environmental review).
(2) Refer to § 55.2(b)(11) for making wetland determinations under this part.
(3) For proposed actions occurring in both a wetland and a floodplain, completion of the decisionmaking process under § 55.20 is required regardless of the issuance of a Section 404 permit. In such a case, the wetland will be considered among the primary natural and beneficial functions and values of the floodplain.
(b) Step 2. Notify the public and agencies responsible for floodplain management or wetlands protection at the earliest possible time of a proposal to consider an action in a 100-year floodplain (or a 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or wetland and involve the affected and interested public and agencies in the decisionmaking process.
(1) The public notices required by paragraphs (b) and (g) of this section may be combined with other project notices wherever appropriate. Notices required under this part must be bilingual if the affected public is largely non-English speaking. In addition, all notices must be published in an appropriate local printed news medium, and must be sent to federal, state, and local public agencies, organizations, and, where not otherwise covered, individuals known to be interested in the proposed action.
(2) A minimum of 15 calendar days shall be allowed for comment on the public notice.
(3) A notice under this paragraph shall state: The name, proposed location, and description of the activity; the total number of acres of floodplain or wetland involved; the related natural and beneficial functions and values of the floodplain or wetland that may be adversely affected by the proposed activity; the HUD approving official (or the Certifying Officer of the responsible entity authorized by 24 CFR part 58); and the phone number to call for information. The notice shall indicate the hours of HUD or the responsible entity's office, and any Web site at which a full description of the proposed action may be reviewed.
(c) Step 3. Identify and evaluate practicable alternatives to locating the proposed action in a 100-year floodplain (or a 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or wetland.
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(3) of this section, HUD's or the responsible entity's consideration of practicable alternatives to the proposed site selected for a project should include:
(i) Locations outside and not affecting the 100-year floodplain (or the 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or wetland;
(ii) Alternative methods to serve the identical project objective, including feasible technological alternatives; and
(iii) A determination not to approve any action proposing the occupancy or modification of a floodplain or wetland.
(2) Practicability of alternative sites should be addressed in light of the following:
(i) Natural values such as topography, habitat, and hazards;
(ii) Social values such as aesthetics, historic and cultural values, land use patterns, and environmental justice; and
(iii) Economic values such as the cost of space, construction, services, and relocation.
(3) For multifamily projects involving HUD mortgage insurance that are initiated by third parties, HUD's consideration of practicable alternatives should include a determination not to approve the request.
(d) Step 4. Identify and evaluate the potential direct and indirect impacts associated with the occupancy or modification of the 100-year floodplain (or the 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or the wetland and the potential direct and indirect support of floodplain and wetland development that could result from the proposed action.
(1) Floodplain evaluation: The focus of the floodplain evaluation should be on adverse impacts to lives and property, and on natural and beneficial floodplain values. Natural and beneficial values include:
(i) Water resources such as natural moderation of floods, water quality maintenance, and groundwater recharge;
(ii) Living resources such as flora and fauna;
(iii) Cultural resources such as archaeological, historic, and recreational aspects; and
(iv) Agricultural, aquacultural, and forestry resources.
(2) Wetland evaluation: In accordance with Section 5 of Executive Order 11990, the decisionmaker shall consider factors relevant to a proposal's effect on the survival and quality of the wetland. Among these factors that should be evaluated are:
(i) Public health, safety, and welfare, including water supply, quality, recharge, and discharge; pollution; flood and storm hazards and hazard protection; and sediment and erosion;
(ii) Maintenance of natural systems, including conservation and long-term productivity of existing flora and fauna; species and habitat diversity and stability; natural hydrologic function; wetland type; fish; wildlife; timber; and food and fiber resources;
(iii) Cost increases attributed to wetland-required new construction and mitigation measures to minimize harm to wetlands that may result from such use; and
(iv) Other uses of wetlands in the public interest, including recreational, scientific, and cultural uses.
(e) Step 5. Where practicable, design or modify the proposed action to minimize the potential adverse impacts to and from the 100-year floodplain (or the 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or the wetland and to restore and preserve its natural and beneficial functions and values.
(1) Minimization techniques for floodplain and wetland purposes include, but are not limited to: the use of permeable surfaces, natural landscape enhancements that maintain or restore natural hydrology through infiltration, native plant species, bioswales, evapotranspiration, stormwater capture and reuse, green or vegetative roofs with drainage provisions, and Natural Resource Conservation Service conservation easements. Floodproofing and elevating structures, including freeboard above the required base flood elevations, are also minimization techniques for floodplain purposes.
(2) Appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation is recommended for unavoidable adverse impacts to more than one acre of wetland. Compensatory mitigation includes, but is not limited to: permitee-responsible mitigation, mitigation banking, in-lieu fee mitigation, the use of preservation easements or protective covenants, and any form of mitigation promoted by state or Federal agencies. The use of compensatory mitigation may not substitute for the requirement to avoid and minimize impacts to the maximum extent practicable.
(3) Actions covered by § 55.12(a) must be rejected if the proposed minimization is financially or physically unworkable. All critical actions in the 500-year floodplain shall be designed and built at or above the 100-year floodplain (in the case of new construction) and modified to include:
(i) Preparation of and participation in an early warning system;
(ii) An emergency evacuation and relocation plan;
(iii) Identification of evacuation route(s) out of the 500-year floodplain; and
(iv) Identification marks of past or estimated flood levels on all structures.
(f) Step 6. Reevaluate the proposed action to determine:
(1) Whether the action is still practicable in light of exposure to flood hazards in the floodplain or wetland, possible adverse impacts on the floodplain or wetland, the extent to which it will aggravate the current hazards to other floodplains or wetlands, and the potential to disrupt the natural and beneficial functions and values of floodplains or wetlands; and
(2) Whether alternatives preliminarily rejected at Step 3 (paragraph (c)) of this section are practicable in light of information gained in Steps 4 and 5 (paragraphs (d) and (e)) of this section.
(i) The reevaluation of alternatives shall include the potential impacts avoided or caused inside and outside the floodplain or wetland area. The impacts should include the protection of human life, real property, and the natural and beneficial functions and values served by the floodplain or wetland.
(ii) A reevaluation of alternatives under this step should include a discussion of economic costs. For floodplains, the cost estimates should include savings or the costs of flood insurance, where applicable; flood proofing; replacement of services or functions of critical actions that might be lost; and elevation to at least the base flood elevation for sites located in floodplains, as appropriate on the applicable source under § 55.2(b)(1). For wetlands, the cost estimates should include the cost of filling the wetlands and mitigation.
(g) Step 7.
(1) If the reevaluation results in a determination that there is no practicable alternative to locating the proposal in the 100-year floodplain (or the 500-year floodplain for a Critical Action) or the wetland, publish a final notice that includes:
(i) The reasons why the proposal must be located in the floodplain or wetland;
(ii) A list of the alternatives considered in accordance with paragraphs(c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section; and
(iii) All mitigation measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial functions and values.
(2) In addition, the public notice procedures of § 55.20(b)(1) shall be followed, and a minimum of 7 calendar days for public comment before approval of the proposed action shall be provided.
(h) Step 8. Upon completion of the decisionmaking process in Steps 1 through 7, implement the proposed action. There is a continuing responsibility on HUD (or on the responsible entity authorized by 24 CFR part 58) and the recipient (if other than the responsible entity) to ensure that the mitigating measures identified in Step 7 are implemented.
[59 FR 19107, Apr. 21, 1994, as amended at 78 FR 68732, Nov. 15, 2013]