Condition of the multifamily structure.

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§ 221.305 Condition of the multifamily structure.

(a) When a family unit is conveyed or a mortgage is assigned to the Commissioner, the family unit and the common areas and facilities (including restricted common areas and facilities) designated for the particular unit shall be undamaged by fire, earthquake, tornado, or boiler explosion, except if the property has been damaged, either of the following actions shall be taken:

(1) The property may be repaired prior to its conveyance or prior to the assignment of the mortgage to the Commissioner.

(2) With the prior approval of the Commissioner, the property may be conveyed or the mortgage assigned to the Commissioner without repairing the damage. In such instances, the Commissioner shall deduct from the insurance benefits either his estimate of the decrease in value of the family unit or the amount of any insurance recovery received by the mortgagee, whichever is the greater.

(b) If the property has been damaged by fire and such property was not covered by fire insurance at the time of the damage, the mortgagee may convey the property or assign the mortgage to the Commissioner without deduction from the insurance benefits for any loss occasioned by such fire if the following conditions are met:

(1) The property shall have been covered by fire insurance at the time the mortgage was insured.

(2) The fire insurance shall have been later cancelled or renewal shall have been refused by the insuring company.

(3) The mortgagee shall have notified the Commissioner within 30 days (or within such further time as the Commissioner may approve) of the cancellation of the fire insurance or of the refusal of the insuring company to renew the fire insurance. This notification shall have been accompanied by a certification of the mortgagee that diligent efforts were made, but it was unable to obtain fire insurance coverage at reasonably competitive rates and that it will continue its efforts to obtain adequate fire insurance coverage at competitive rates.

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