Eligible properties.

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§ 206.45 Eligible properties.

(a) Title. A mortgage must be on real estate held in fee simple; or on a leasehold that is under a lease with a duration lasting until the later of: 99 years, if such lease is renewable; or the actuarial life expectancy of the mortgagor plus a number of years specified by the Commissioner, which shall not be more than 99 years. The mortgagee shall obtain a title insurance policy satisfactory to the Commissioner. If the Commissioner determines that title insurance for reverse mortgages is not available for reasonable rates in a state, then the Commissioner may specify other acceptable forms of title evidence in lieu of title insurance.

(b) Type of property. The property shall include a dwelling designed principally as a residence for one family or such additional families as the Commissioner shall determine. A condominium unit designed for one-family occupancy shall also be an eligible property.

(c) Borrower and mortgagee requirement for maintaining flood insurance coverage.

(1) During such time as the mortgage is insured, the borrower and mortgagee shall be obligated, by a special condition to be included in the mortgage commitment, to obtain and to maintain National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance coverage on the property improvements (dwelling and related structures/equipment essential to the value of the property and subject to flood damage) if NFIP flood insurance is available with respect to the property improvements that:

(i) Are located in an area designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a floodplain area having special flood hazards; or

(ii) Are otherwise determined by the Commissioner to be subject to a flood hazard.

(2) No mortgage may be insured that covers property improvements located in an area that has been identified by FEMA as an area having special flood hazards, unless the community in which the area is situated is participating in the NFIP and such insurance is obtained by the borrower. Such requirement for flood insurance shall be effective one year after the date of notification by FEMA to the chief executive officer of a flood prone community that such community has been identified as having special flood hazards.

(3) The flood insurance must be maintained during such time as the mortgage is insured in an amount at least equal to the lowest of the following:

(i) 100 percent replacement cost of the insurable value of the improvements, which consists of the development or project cost less estimated land cost; or

(ii) The maximum amount of the NFIP insurance available with respect to the particular type of the property; or

(iii) The outstanding principal balance of the loan.

(d) Lead-based paint poisoning prevention. If the appraiser of a dwelling constructed prior to 1978 finds defective paint surfaces, 24 CFR 200.810(d) shall apply unless the borrower certifies that no child who is less than six years of age resides or is expected to reside in the dwelling, except that any reference to “mortgagor” in 24 CFR 200.810(d) shall mean “borrower” for purposes of this paragraph.

(e) Restrictions on conveyance. The property must be freely marketable. Conveyance of the property may only be restricted as permitted under 24 CFR 203.41 or 24 CFR 234.66 and this part, except that a right of first refusal to purchase a unit in a condominium project is permitted if the right is held by the condominium association for the project.

(f) Location of property. The mortgaged property shall be located within the United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. The mortgaged property, if otherwise acceptable to the Commissioner, may be located in any location where the housing standards meet the requirements of the Commissioner.

(g) HECM for Purchase.

(1) A HECM for Purchase transaction is where title to the property is transferred to the HECM borrower and, at the time of closing, the HECM first and second liens, if applicable, will be the only liens against the property.

(2) Properties are eligible for FHA insurance under the HECM for Purchase program when construction is completed and the property is habitable, as evidenced by the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its equivalent, by the local jurisdiction.

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