Assignments, pledges and transfers by approved lender.

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§ 203.492 Assignments, pledges and transfers by approved lender.

(a) An assignment, pledge or transfer of an insured loan or group of insured loans, not constituting a final sale, may be made by an approved lender to another approved lender provided the following requirements are met:

(1) The assignor, pledgor or transferor shall remain the lender of record.

(2) The Commissioner shall have no obligation to recognize or deal with any party other than the lender of record with respect to the rights, benefits and obligations of the lender under the contract of insurance.

(b) An assignment or transfer of an insured loan or group of insured loans may be made by an approved lender to other than an approved lender provided the requirements under paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this section are met and the following additional requirements are met:

(1) The assignee or transferee shall be a corporation, trust or organization (including but not limited to any pension trust or profit-sharing plan) which certifies to the approved lender that:

(i) It has assets of $100,000 or more; and

(ii) It has lawful authority to hold an insured loan or group of insured loans.

(2) The assignment or transfer shall be made pursuant to an agreement under which the transferor or assignor is obligated to take one of the following alternate courses of action within one year from the date of the assignment or within such additional period of time as may be approved by the Commissioner:

(i) The transferor or assignor shall repurchase and accept a reassignment of such loan or group of loans.

(ii) The transferor or assignor shall obtain a sale and transfer of such loan or group of loans to an approved lender.

(c) Notice to or approval of the Commissioner is not required in connection with assignments, pledges or transfers pursuant to this section.

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