Distribution of distributive shares.

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§ 203.423 Distribution of distributive shares.

(a) The Commissioner may provide for the distribution to the mortgagor of a share of the participating reserve account if the contract of insurance is terminated by:

(1) Conveyance to one other than the Commissioner and a claim for the insurance benefits is not presented by the mortgage (§ 203.315), provided, however, in the case of a mortgage insured pursuant to an application for a conditional commitment received on or after May 19, 1988, (or, as appropriate, an application for mortgage insurance endorsement under the Single Family Direct Endorsement program, as provided in § 203.255, where the property appraisal report is signed by the mortgagee's underwriter on or after May 19, 1988, no distribution shall be made if the mortgagee forecloses the mortgage or accepts a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure;

(2) Prepayment of the mortgage (§ 203.316); or

(3) Voluntary agreement of the mortgagor and mortgagees (§ 203.317).

(b) The Commissioner shall determine the amount of the distributive share by multiplying the amount of the premium or premiums paid by the applicable distributive share percentage for mortgages insured in the year the mortgage was endorsed for insurance. The Commissioner shall determine the applicable distributive share percentage in an equitable manner and in accordance with sound financial and actuarial practice, taking into account the cumulative actual financial and actuarial experiences through the end of the most recent calendar year.

[48 FR 28806, June 23, 1983, as amended at 52 FR 1329, Jan. 13, 1987; 53 FR 10530, Apr. 1, 1988; 61 FR 36453, July 10, 1996]

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