(a) The provisions of 22 CFR 9.15 through 9.19 shall govern the marking of information or material classified under the provisions of these regulations, except that the following stamp shall be used as appropriate:
(Top Secret, Secret or Confidential)
Classified by: _______________
Under Executive Order 11932
Exempt from General Declassification Schedule of E.O. 11652 Exemption Category section 5B (2), (3), or (4); or E.O. 11932
Automatically Declassified on _______
(effective date or event if any)
Exemption category “E.O. 11932” shall be used for information and material obtained by the United States on e understanding that it be kept in confidence and classified under E.O. 11932.
(b) If the information or material does not qualify for exemption from the General Declassification Schedule, ordinary stamps and marking may be used.