(a) The following categories of international agreements will not be published in United States Treaties and Other International Agreements:
(1) Bilateral agreements for the rescheduling of intergovernmental debt payments;
(2) Bilateral textile agreements concerning the importation of products containing specified textile fibers done under the Agricultural Act of 1956, as amended;
(3) Bilateral agreements between postal administrations governing technical arrangements;
(4) Bilateral agreements that apply to specified military exercises;
(5) Bilateral military personnel exchange agreements;
(6) Bilateral judicial assistance agreements that apply only to specified civil or criminal investigations or prosecutions;
(7) Bilateral mapping agreements;
(8) Tariff and other schedules under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and under the Agreement of the World Trade Organization;
(9) Agreements that have been given a national security classification pursuant to Executive Order No. 13526, its predecessors or successors, or are otherwise exempt from public disclosure pursuant to U.S. law;
(10) Bilateral agreements with other governments that apply to specific activities and programs financed with foreign assistance funds administered by the United States Agency for International Development pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended, and the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended;
(11) Letters of agreements and memoranda of understanding with other governments that apply to bilateral assistance for counter-narcotics and other anti-crime purposes furnished pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act, as amended;
(12) Bilateral agreements that apply to specified education and leadership development programs designed to acquaint U.S. and foreign armed forces, law enforcement, homeland security, or related personnel with limited, specialized aspects of each other's practices or operations;
(13) Bilateral agreements between aviation agencies governing specified aviation technical assistance projects for the provision of managerial, operational, and technical assistance in developing and modernizing the civil aviation infrastructure;
(14) Bilateral acquisition and cross servicing agreements and logistics support agreements;
(15) Bilateral agreements relating to the provision of health care to military personnel on a reciprocal basis; and
(16) Bilateral agreements for the reduction of intergovernmental debts.
(b) In addition to those listed in paragraph (a) of this section, the following categories of agreements will not be published in United States Treaties and Other International Agreements:
(1) Agreements on the subjects listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (9) of this section that had not been published as of February 26, 1996;
(2) Agreements on the subjects listed in paragraphs (a)(10) through (13) of this section that had not been published as of September 8, 2006; and
(3) Agreements on the subjects listed in paragraphs (a)(14) through (16) of this section that had not been published as of November 14, 2014.
(c) Any international agreements in the possession of the Department of State, other than those in paragraph (a)(9) of this section, but not published will be made available upon request by the Department of State.
(d) The Assistant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs shall annually submit to Congress a report that contains an index of all international agreements, listed by country, date, title, and summary of each such agreement (including a description of the duration of activities under the agreement and the agreement itself), that the United States:
(1) Has signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which any other final formality has been executed, or that has been extended or otherwise modified, during the preceding calendar year; and
(2) Has not been published, or is not proposed to be published, in the compilation entitled “United States Treaties and Other International Agreements.”
[61 FR 7071, Feb. 26, 1996, as amended at 71 FR 53009, Sept. 8, 2006; 79 FR 68116, Nov. 14, 2014; 86 FR 22119, Apr. 27, 2021]