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§ 558.175 Clopidol.

(a) Specifications. Type A medicated article containing 25 percent clopidol.

(b) Sponsor. See No. 016592 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter.

(c) Related tolerances. See § 556.160 of this chapter.

(d) Conditions of use -

(1) Chickens -

Expand Table
Clopidol in
grams per ton
Combination in grams per ton Indications for use Limitations Sponsors
(i) 113.5 Broiler chickens and re-placement chickens intended for use as caged layers: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati. Do not feed to chickens over 16 weeks of age 016592
(ii) 113.5 Bacitracin methylenedisalicylate, 4 to 50 Broiler chickens: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati, and for increased rate of weight gain. Feed continuously as the sole ration from the time chicks are placed in floor pens until slaughter. Do not feed to chickens over 16 weeks of age; bacitracin methylenedisalicylate as provided by No. 054771 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter 016592
(iii) 113.5 Bacitracin zinc, 5 to 25 Broiler chickens: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati, and for increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency. Feed continuously as sole ration; bacitracin zinc as provided by No. 054771 in § 510.600(c) of this chapter 054771 016592
(iv) 113.5 Bambermycins, 1 to 2 Broiler chickens: As an aid in prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati; and for increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency. Feed continuously as the sole ration. Do not feed to chickens over 16 weeks of age 016592
(v) 227 Broiler and replacement chickens intended for use as caged layers: As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati. Feed continuously as the sole ration; feed up to 16 weeks of age if intended for use as caged layers; withdraw 5 days before slaughter if given at the level of 0.025 percent in feed or reduce level to 0.0125 percent 5 days before slaughter 016592
(vi) 227 Bambermycins, 1 to 2 Broiler chickens: As an aid in prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, and E. mivati; and for increased rate of weight gain and improved feed efficiency. Feed continuously as sole ration until 5 days before slaughter. Withdraw 5 days before slaughter or feed 113.5 g/ton clopidol and 1 to 2 g/ton bambermycins during those 5 days before slaughter. Do not feed to chickens over 16 weeks of age 016592

(2) Turkeys -

Expand Table
Clopidol in
grams per ton
Combination in grams per ton Indications for use Limitations Sponsors
(i) 113.5 or 227 Turkeys: As an aid in the prevention of leucocytozoonosis caused by Leucocytozoon smithi. For turkeys grown for meat purposes only; feed continuously as the sole ration at 0.0125 or 0.025 percent clopidol depending on management practices, degree of exposure, and amount of feed eaten; withdraw 5 days before slaughter 016592
(ii) [Reserved]

(3) Combinations. Clopidol may also be used in combination with:

(i) Chlortetracycline as in § 558.128.

(ii) Lincomycin as in § 558.325.

[68 FR 17882, Apr. 14, 2003, as amended at 72 FR 60551, Oct. 25, 2007; 74 FR 61028, Nov. 23, 2009; 79 FR 10965, 10982, Feb. 27, 2014; 79 FR 13545, Mar. 11, 2014; 81 FR 17609, Mar. 30, 2016; 81 FR 95004, Dec. 27, 2016; 84 FR 12495, Apr. 2, 2019; 86 FR 14822, Mar. 19, 2021]

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