What services are WIA title I adult and dislocated workers formula funds used to provide?

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§ 663.145 What services are WIA title I adult and dislocated workers formula funds used to provide?

(a) WIA title I formula funds allocated to local areas for adults and dislocated workers must be used to provide core, intensive and training services through the One-Stop delivery system. Local Boards determine the most appropriate mix of these services, but all three types must be available for both adults and dislocated workers. There are different eligibility criteria for each of these types of services, which are described at §§ 663.110, 663.115, 663.220 and 663.310.

(b) WIA title I funds may also be used to provide the other services described in WIA section 134(e):

(1) Discretionary One-Stop delivery activities, including:

(i) Customized screening and referral of qualified participants in training services to employment; and

(ii) Customized employment-related services to employers on a fee-for-service basis that are in addition to labor exchange services available to employers under the Wagner-Peyser Act.

(2) Supportive services, including needs-related payments, as described in subpart H of this part.

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