What is the role of the Local Workforce Investment Board?

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§ 661.305 What is the role of the Local Workforce Investment Board?

(a) WIA section 117(d) specifies that the Local Board is responsible for:

(1) Developing the five-year local workforce investment plan (Local Plan) and conducting oversight of the One-Stop system, youth activities and employment and training activities under title I of WIA, in partnership with the chief elected official;

(2) Selecting One-Stop operators with the agreement of the chief elected official;

(3) Selecting eligible youth service providers based on the recommendations of the youth council, and identifying eligible providers of adult and dislocated worker intensive services and training services, and maintaining a list of eligible providers with performance and cost information, as required in 20 CFR part 663, subpart E;

(4) Developing a budget for the purpose of carrying out the duties of the Local Board, subject to the approval of the chief elected official;

(5) Negotiating and reaching agreement on local performance measures with the chief elected official and the Governor;

(6) Assisting the Governor in developing the Statewide employment statistics system under the Wagner-Peyser Act;

(7) Coordinating workforce investment activities with economic development strategies and developing employer linkages; and

(8) Promoting private sector involvement in the Statewide workforce investment system through effective connecting, brokering, and coaching activities through intermediaries such as the One-Stop operator in the local area or through other organizations, to assist employers in meeting hiring needs.

(b) The Local Board, in cooperation with the chief elected official, appoints a youth council as a subgroup of the Local Board and coordinates workforce and youth plans and activities with the youth council, in accordance with WIA section 117(h) and § 661.335.

(c) Local Boards which are part of a State designated region for regional planning must carry out the regional planning responsibilities required by the State in accordance with WIA section 116(c) and § 661.290. (WIA sec. 117.)

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