Document retention requirements for CW-1 employers.

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§ 655.456 Document retention requirements for CW-1 employers.

(a) Entities required to retain documents. All CW-1 employers filing a CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification are required to retain the documents and records establishing compliance with this subpart, including but not limited to those specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(b) Period of record retention. The employer must retain records and documents for 3 years from the date on which the certification of the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification expires, or 3 years from the date of the final determination if the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification is denied, or 3 years from the date the Department receives the request for withdrawal of a CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification under § 655.462.

(c) Documents and records to be retained by all employers. All employers filing a CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification must retain the following documents and records and must provide the documents and records to the Department and any other Federal Government Official in the event of an audit or investigation:

(1) Proof of recruitment efforts, including:

(i) Placement of the job offer with the CNMI Department of Labor as specified in § 655.442;

(ii) Contact with former U.S. employees as specified in § 655.443, including documents demonstrating that each such U.S. worker had been offered the job opportunity listed in the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification, and that the U.S. worker either refused the job opportunity or was rejected only for lawful, job-related reasons;

(iii) Posting notice of the job opportunity to all employees in the job classification and area in which the work will be performed by the CW-1 workers as specified in § 655.444; and

(iv) All additional employer-conducted recruitment required by the CO as specified in § 655.445.

(2) Documentation supporting the information submitted in the recruitment report prepared in accordance with § 655.446, such as evidence of nonapplicability of contact with former workers as specified in § 655.443 and any supporting resumes and contact information as specified in § 655.446.

(3) Records of each worker's earnings, hours offered and worked, location(s) where work is performed, and other information as specified in § 655.423(i).

(4) If applicable, records of reimbursement of transportation and subsistence costs incurred by the workers, as specified in § 655.423(j).

(5) Copies of written contracts with third parties demonstrating compliance with the prohibition of seeking or receiving payments or other compensation of any kind from prospective workers as specified in § 655.423(o).

(6) Evidence of the employer's contact with U.S. workers who applied for the job opportunity in the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification, including, but not limited to, documents demonstrating that any rejections of U.S. workers were for lawful, job-related reasons, as specified in § 655.423(q).

(7) Written notice provided to and informing OFLC that a CW-1 worker or worker in corresponding employment has separated from employment before the end date of employment specified in the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification, as specified in § 655.423(v).

(8) A copy of the CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification and all accompanying appendices, including any modifications, amendments, or extensions, signed by the employer as directed by the CO.

(d) Availability of documents and records for enforcement purposes. The employer must make available to the Department, DHS or to any Federal Government Official performing an investigation, inspection, audit, or law enforcement function all documents and records required to be retained under this subpart for purposes of copying, transcribing, or inspecting them.

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