Approved certification.

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§ 655.452 Approved certification.

If the TLC is granted, the CO will send a Final Determination notice and a copy of the certified CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification to the employer and a copy, if applicable, to the employer's agent or attorney using an electronic method(s) designated by the OFLC Administrator. For employers permitted to file by mail as set forth in § 655.420(c), the CO will send the Final Determination notice and a copy of the certified CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification by first class mail. The CO will send the certified CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification, including approved modifications, on behalf of the employer, directly to USCIS using an electronic method(s) designated by the OFLC Administrator. The employer must retain a copy of the certified CW-1 Application for Temporary Employment Certification, including the original signed Appendix C, as required by § 655.456.

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