(a) To such extent as may be necessary to determine
(1) the employee status of any individual or group of individuals,
(2) the employer status of any person, and
(3) any other matter arising out of or necessary for the administration of the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act and the Railroad Retirement Acts of 1935, 1937, and 1974, other than those matters specifically provided for in parts 260 and 320 of this chapter, the Board may itself or through one of its members or a designated examiner, conduct hearings, require and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of records and documents, administer oaths, take testimony, make all pertinent investigations and findings of fact, and render decisions upon such findings.
(b) Where the Board determines that an oral hearing is necessary to the determination of a matter before it, the Board shall notify all parties to the proceeding that a hearing will be conducted, and, if the hearing is to be before a single Board member or a designated examiner, the notice shall identify the member or examiner authorized to conduct the hearing. The Board or the person authorized to conduct the hearing shall fix a time and place for the holding of the hearing and shall notify all parties thereof.