(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must specify requirements related to title to property under subawards.
(b) Award terms and conditions -
(1) General. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must use the wording appendix E to this part provides as Section B of SUB Article V to specify the requirements concerning title to property that recipients must include in their subawards.
(2) Exception. If a DoD Component has the necessary statutory authority to do so and includes provisions in paragraph A.2 of PROP Article I to identify any property acquired under the award as exempt property, as described in 2 CFR 1130.105, the DoD Component may at its option insert wording in paragraph B.1.b of SUB Article V to allow recipients to pass through those provisions to subrecipients.
(i) It is critical, however, that the DoD Component ensures that the wording of paragraph B.1.b is consistent with the statutory authority.
(ii) For example, if the statutory authority is 31 U.S.C. 6306 - as described in 2 CFR 1130.105(b)(2)(i) - the wording of paragraph B.1.b of SUB Article V may permit a recipient to flow down the substance of the exempt property provision in paragraph A.2 of PROP Article I only to a subrecipient that is a nonprofit institution of higher education or nonprofit organization whose primary purpose is conducting scientific research.