(a) Requirement. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must specify the real property reporting requirements described in § 1134.300(a)(1) and provide references to the related requirements described in § 1134.300(b)(1).
(b) Award terms and conditions. To implement the requirement described in paragraph (a) of this section, the wording of Section A of REP Article III of a DoD Component's general terms and conditions must comply with either paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section.
(1) General. Unless a DoD Component determines that there will be no acquisition or improvement of real property under awards using its general terms and conditions, those general terms and conditions must include the wording appendix C to this part provides for Section A of REP Article III, to which the DoD Component:
(i) Must add wording in lieu of the reserved paragraph A.1.a to specify how often a recipient must submit periodic status reports and how long it is required to do so (which should be the duration of the Federal interest in the real property). The wording of paragraph A.1.a must be consistent with OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.329, which provides different options for reporting frequency depending on the duration of the Federal interest in the real property.
(ii) Must add wording in lieu of the reserved paragraph A.1.b to specify the due date for each periodic status report in terms of the number of calendar days after the end of the period covered by the report (e.g., a report on the status of the property as of September 30 might be due 30 calendar days after that date).
(iii) May provide wording in lieu of the reserved paragraph A.1.c if there are other instructions - e.g., a form, format, or information elements that a recipient must use (which must be cleared by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, as implemented by OMB at 5 CFR part 1320) or a particular office to which reports must be submitted, especially if reporting will continue beyond closeout of the award under which the real property was acquired or improved.
(2) Exception. A DoD Component may reserve Section A of REP Article III if it determines that there will be no acquisition or improvement of real property under awards using its general terms and conditions.