(a) OMB guidance. OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.328(b)(1) addresses performance reporting frequency under grants and cooperative agreements and due dates.
(1) Reporting frequency. The OMB guidance states that interim performance reports should be no less frequent than annually, nor more frequent than quarterly except in unusual circumstances (e.g., when more frequent reporting is necessary for effective program monitoring).
(2) Due dates. The OMB guidance states that due dates for interim performance reports must be:
(i) 30 calendar days after the end of the reporting period if interim reports are required quarterly or semiannually; and
(ii) 90 calendar days after the end of the reporting period if interim reports are required annually, unless the agency elects to require the annual reports before the anniversary dates of multiyear awards.
(b) DoD implementation. DoD implements the OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.328(b)(1) concerning frequency and due dates of interim performance reports through award terms and conditions, with the following clarifications and added specifications concerning reporting periods:
(1) Reporting frequency. DoD Components rarely, if ever, should require recipients to submit interim performance reports more often than annually for basic research awards. Before requiring interim performance reports more frequently than annually for other research awards, DoD Components should carefully consider whether the benefits of more frequent reporting are sufficient to offset the potential for slowing the rate of research progress, due to diversion of researchers' time from research performance to report preparation.
(2) Reporting periods. For research awards, a DoD Component should not require any recipient to submit interim performance reports on a cumulative basis - i.e., the second and any subsequent performance report should address only the most recent reporting period and not also address previous reporting periods covered by earlier interim performance reports.
(3) Due dates. If a DoD Component requires an interim report more frequently than quarterly due to unusual circumstances, as described in 2 CFR 200.328(a)(1) and paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the DoD Component must specify that the due date for the report is 30 days after the end of the reporting period. For all other interim reports, DoD Components must specify due dates in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) Award terms and conditions. A DoD Component must insert wording in lieu of the reserved Section B of REP Article I of its general terms and conditions for non-construction awards to specify:
(1) The frequency with which recipients must submit interim performance reports;
(2) The reporting period each interim performance report must cover; and
(3) The due date for each interim performance report, stated as the number of calendar days after the end of the reporting period.