(a) OMB guidance. OMB guidance in:
(1) 2 CFR 200.301 and 200.328(b)(2) state that Federal awarding agencies must require recipients to use standard OMB-approved information collections for reporting performance information.
(2) 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2)(i) through (iii) list types of information that performance reports under non-construction grants and cooperative agreements will contain, as appropriate, unless other collections are approved by OMB.
(b) DoD implementation.
(1) The content of the information collections that a DoD Component's general terms and conditions specify for non-construction awards must include the elements listed in 2 CFR 200.328(b)(2)(i) through (iii) that are appropriate to the projects or programs subject to those general terms and conditions.
(2) Forms, formats, and data elements that a DoD Component's general terms and conditions specify for performance reporting under non-construction awards must comply with requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 to use OMB-approved information collections, as implemented by OMB at 5 CFR part 1320.
(3) To the maximum extent practicable, a DoD Component's general terms and conditions for non-construction awards must specify that recipients use Governmentwide standard forms, formats, and data elements that also are used by other Federal agencies for similar programs, recipients, and types of awards (e.g., the Research Performance Progress Report format or any successor to it that OMB clears for interim performance progress reports under research awards to institutions of higher education and nonprofit organizations).
(c) Award terms and conditions. To implement the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, a DoD Component must insert wording in lieu of the reserved Section A of REP Article I of its general terms and conditions for non-construction awards to specify the form, format, or data elements that recipients must use for interim and final performance reports. Section A of REP Article I may specify a different requirement for final performance reports than interim reports.