(a) Each of parts 1128 through 1138 of this subchapter is organized into subparts and appendices.
(1) Each appendix provides the standard wording of general terms and conditions for one of the articles of general terms and conditions that the part addresses.
(2) For each appendix addressing a particular article, the part has an associated subpart that provides the prescription for DoD Components' use of the standard wording for that article.
(b) For example, Table 1 to § 1126.5 indicates that 2 CFR part 1128 provides the standard wording of general terms and conditions for FMS Articles I through VII and the prescriptions for DoD Components' use of that standard wording.
(1) FMS Article I on financial management system standards is the first of the articles that 2 CFR part 1128 covers. Appendix A to 2 CFR part 1128 provides the standard wording of general terms and conditions for FMS Article I. The associated subpart of 2 CFR part 1128, subpart A, provides the prescription for DoD Components' use of the standard wording of that article.
(2) Appendices B through G of 2 CFR part 1128 provide the standard wording of general terms and conditions for FMS Articles II through VII, respectively. The associated subparts, Subparts B through G, provide the corresponding prescriptions for DoD Components.