Covered merchandise referrals.

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§ 351.227 Covered merchandise referrals.

(a) Introduction. The Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 contains Title IV - Prevention of Evasion of Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders (short title “Enforce and Protect Act of 2015” or “EAPA”) (Pub. L. 114-125, sections 401, 421, 130 Stat. 122, 155, 161 (2016)). The Enforce and Protect Act of 2015 added section 517 to the Act, which established a new framework by which the Customs Service can conduct civil administrative investigations of potential duty evasion of an antidumping and/or countervailing duty order (referred to herein as an “EAPA investigation”). Section 517(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Act provides a procedure whereby if, during the course of an EAPA investigation, the Customs Service is unable to determine whether the merchandise at issue is covered merchandise within the meaning of section 517(a)(3) of the Act, it shall refer the matter to the Secretary to make such a determination (referred to herein as a “covered merchandise referral”). Section 517(b)(4)(B) of the Act directs the Secretary to determine whether the merchandise is covered merchandise and promptly transmit the determination to the Customs Service. The Secretary will consider a covered merchandise referral and issue a covered merchandise determination in accordance with the rules and procedures in this section. Unless otherwise specified, the procedures as described in subpart C of this part (§§ 351.301 through 351.308 and 351.312 through 351.313) apply to this section.

(b) Actions with respect to covered merchandise referral. Within 20 days after receiving a covered merchandise referral from the Customs Service pursuant to section 517(b)(4)(A)(i) of the Act that the Secretary determines to be sufficient, the Secretary will take the following action.

(1) Initiate a covered merchandise inquiry and publish a notice of initiation in the Federal Register; or

(2) If the Secretary determines upon review of the covered merchandise referral that the issue can be addressed in an ongoing segment of the proceeding, such as a scope inquiry under § 351.225 or a circumvention inquiry under § 351.226, rather than initiating the covered merchandise inquiry, the Secretary will publish a notice of its intent to address the covered merchandise referral in such other segment in the Federal Register.

(c) Deadlines for covered merchandise determinations -

(1) In general. When the Secretary initiates a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Secretary shall issue a final covered merchandise determination within 120 days from the date of publication of the notice of initiation.

(2) Extension. The Secretary may extend the deadline in paragraph (c)(1) of this section by no more than 150 days if the Secretary determines that good cause exists to warrant an extension. Situations in which good cause has been demonstrated may include:

(i) If the Secretary has issued questionnaires to interested parties; received responses to those questionnaires; and determined that an extension is warranted to request further information or consider and address the parties' responses on the record adequately;

(ii) The Secretary has issued a preliminary covered merchandise determination (see paragraph (e)(1) of this section); or

(iii) The Secretary has determined to address a scope or circumvention issue from another segment of the proceeding involving the same or similar products in the covered merchandise inquiry, pursuant to § 351.225(d)(2) or (i) or § 351.226(f)(6)(iv).

(3) Alignment with other segments. If the Secretary determines it is appropriate to do so, the Secretary may align the deadlines under this paragraph with the deadlines of another segment of the proceeding.

(d) Covered merchandise inquiry procedures.

(1) Within 30 days of the date of publication of the notice of an initiation of a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, interested parties are permitted one opportunity to submit comment and factual information addressing the initiation. Within 14 days of the filing of such comments, any interested party is permitted one opportunity to submit comment and factual information to rebut, clarify, or correct factual information submitted by the other interested parties.

(2) Following initiation of a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Secretary may issue questionnaires and verify submissions received, where appropriate. The Secretary may limit issuance of questionnaires to a reasonable number of respondents. Questionnaire responses are due on the date specified by the Secretary. Within 14 days after a questionnaire response has been filed with the Secretary, an interested party other than the original submitter is permitted one opportunity to submit comment and factual information to rebut, clarify, or correct factual information contained in the questionnaire response. Within 7 days of the filing of such rebuttal, clarification, or correction, the original submitter is permitted one opportunity to submit comment and factual information to rebut, clarify, or correct factual information submitted in the interested party's rebuttal, clarification or correction.

(3) If the Secretary issues a preliminary covered merchandise determination under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, which is not issued concurrently with the initiation of a covered merchandise inquiry, the Secretary will establish a schedule for the filing of comments and rebuttal comments. Unless otherwise specified, any interested party may submit comments within 14 days after the issuance of the preliminary covered merchandise determination, and any interested party may submit rebuttal comments within 7 days thereafter. Unless otherwise specified, no new factual information will be accepted in the comments or rebuttal comments.

(4) If the Secretary issues a preliminary covered merchandise determination concurrently with the initiation of the covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, paragraphs (d)(1) through (3) will not apply. In such a situation, the Secretary will establish appropriate procedures on a case-specific basis.

(5) If the Secretary determines it appropriate to do so, the Secretary may rescind, in whole or in part, a covered merchandise inquiry under this section and will notify interested parties. Situations in which the Secretary may rescind a covered merchandise inquiry include:

(i) The Customs Service withdraws its request for a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b) of this section; or

(ii) The Secretary has initiated a scope inquiry under § 351.225 or a circumvention inquiry under § 351.226 and determines that it can address the covered merchandise referral in such other segment of the proceeding.

(6) If the Secretary determines it is appropriate to do so, the Secretary may alter or extend any time limits under this paragraph or establish a separate schedule for the filing of comments and/or factual information during the covered merchandise inquiry.

(7) During the pendency of a covered merchandise inquiry or upon issuance of a final covered merchandise determination under paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the Secretary may take any further action, as appropriate, with respect to another segment of the proceeding. For example, if the Secretary considers it appropriate, the Secretary may request information concerning the product that is the subject of the covered merchandise inquiry for purpose of an administrative review under § 351.213.

(e) Covered merchandise determinations -

(1) Preliminary determination. The Secretary may issue a preliminary determination, based upon the available information at the time, as to whether there is a reasonable basis to believe or suspect that the product that is the subject of the covered merchandise inquiry is covered by the scope of the order. In determining whether to issue a preliminary determination, the Secretary may consider the complexity of the issues and arguments raised in the context of the covered merchandise inquiry. The preliminary determination will be published in the Federal Register. The Secretary may publish notice of a preliminary determination concurrently with the notice of initiation of a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

(2) Final determination. The Secretary will issue a final determination as to whether the product that is the subject of the covered merchandise inquiry is covered by the scope of the order. As part of its determination, the Secretary will include an explanation of the factual and legal conclusions on which the final determination is based. The final determination will be published in the Federal Register. Promptly after publication, the Secretary will:

(i) Convey a copy of the final determination in the manner prescribed by section 516A(a)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act to all parties to the proceeding (see § 351.102(b)(36)); and

(ii) Transmit a copy of the final covered merchandise determination to the Customs Service in accordance with section 517(b)(4)(B) of the Act.

(3) Covered merchandise determinations in other segments of the proceeding. If the Secretary addresses the covered merchandise referral in another segment of the proceeding as provided for under paragraph (b)(2) or (d)(5)(ii) of this section, the Secretary will promptly transmit a copy of the final action in that segment to the Customs Service in accordance with section 517(b)(4)(B) of the Act.

(f) Basis for covered merchandise determination. In determining whether a product is covered by the scope of the order under this section, the Secretary may utilize the analysis described in paragraphs (j) and (k) of § 351.225 or any provision under section 781 of the Act (paragraph (h), (i), (j), or (k) of § 351.226).

(g)-(k) [Reserved]

(l) Suspension of liquidation.

(1) When the Secretary publishes a notice of initiation of a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Secretary will notify the Customs Service of the initiation and direct the Customs Service to continue the suspension of liquidation of entries of products subject to the covered merchandise inquiry that were already subject to the suspension of liquidation, and to apply the cash deposit rate that would be applicable if the product were determined to be covered by the scope of the order.

(2) If the Secretary issues an affirmative preliminary covered merchandise determination under paragraph (e)(1) of this section that the product at issue is covered by the scope of the order, the Secretary will take the following actions:

(i) The Secretary will direct the Customs Service to continue the suspension of liquidation of previously suspended entries and apply the applicable cash deposit rate;

(ii) The Secretary will direct the Customs Service to begin the suspension of liquidation and require a cash deposit of estimated duties, at the applicable rate, for each unliquidated entry of the product not yet suspended, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the covered merchandise inquiry; and

(iii) The Secretary normally will direct the Customs Service to begin the suspension of liquidation and require a cash deposit of estimated duties, at the applicable rate, for each unliquidated entry of the product not yet suspended, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption prior to the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the covered merchandise inquiry.

(3) If the Secretary issues an affirmative final covered merchandise determination under paragraph (e)(2) of this section that the product at issue is covered by the scope of the order, the Secretary will take the following actions:

(i) The Secretary will direct the Customs Service to continue the suspension of liquidation of previously suspended entries and apply the applicable cash deposit rate until appropriate liquidation instructions are issued;

(ii) The Secretary will direct the Customs Service to begin the suspension of liquidation and require a cash deposit of estimated duties, at the applicable rate, for each unliquidated entry of the product not yet suspended, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the covered merchandise inquiry until appropriate liquidation instructions are issued; and

(iii) The Secretary normally will direct the Customs Service to begin the suspension of liquidation and require a cash deposit of estimated duties, at the applicable rate, for each unliquidated entry of the product not yet suspended, entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption prior to the date of publication of the notice of initiation of the covered merchandise inquiry until appropriate liquidation instructions are issued.

(4) If the Secretary issues a negative final covered merchandise determination under paragraph (e)(2) of this section that the product at issue is not covered by the scope of the order, and entries of the product at issue are not otherwise subject to suspension of liquidation as a result of another segment of a proceeding, such as a circumvention inquiry under § 351.226, the Secretary will direct the Customs Service to terminate the suspension of liquidation and refund any cash deposits for such entries.

(5) Nothing in this section affects the Customs Service's authority to take any additional action with respect to the suspension of liquidation or related measures.

(m) Applicability of covered merchandise determination; companion orders -

(1) Applicability of covered merchandise determination. In conducting a covered merchandise inquiry under this section, the Secretary shall consider, based on the available record evidence, whether the covered merchandise determination should be applied:

(i) On a producer-specific, exporter-specific, importer-specific basis, or some combination thereof; or

(ii) To all products from the same country with the same relevant physical characteristics, (including chemical, dimensional and technical characteristics) as the product at issue, on a country-wide basis, regardless of the producer, exporter or importer of those products.

(2) Companion antidumping and countervailing duty orders. If there are companion antidumping and countervailing duty orders covering the same merchandise from the same country of origin, and should the Secretary determine to initiate a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the Secretary will initiate and conduct a single inquiry with respect to the product at issue only on the record of the antidumping duty proceeding. Once the Secretary issues a final covered merchandise determination on the record of the antidumping duty proceeding, the Secretary will include a copy of that determination on the record of the countervailing duty proceeding and notify the Customs Service in accordance with paragraph (l) of this section.

(n) Service list. Once the Secretary initiates a covered merchandise inquiry under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a segment-specific service list will be established and the requirements of § 351.303(f) will apply. Parties other than those relevant parties identified by the Customs Service in the covered merchandise referral that wish to participate in the covered merchandise inquiry must file an entry of appearance in accordance with § 351.103(d)(1).

(o) Suspended investigations; suspension agreements. The Secretary may apply the procedures set forth in this section in determining whether the product at issue is covered merchandise with respect to a suspended investigation or a suspension agreement (see § 351.208).

[86 FR 52381, Sept. 20, 2021]

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