Procedures for initiation of downstream product monitoring.

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§ 351.223 Procedures for initiation of downstream product monitoring.

(a) Introduction. Section 780 of the Act establishes a mechanism for monitoring imports of “downstream products.” In general, section 780 is aimed at situations where, following the issuance of an antidumping or countervailing duty order on a product that is used as a component in another product, exports to the United States of that other (or “downstream”) product increase. Although the Department is responsible for determining whether trade in the downstream product should be monitored, the Commission is responsible for conducting the actual monitoring. The Commission must report the results of its monitoring to the Department, and the Department must consider the reports in determining whether to self-initiate an antidumping or countervailing duty investigation on the downstream product. This section contains rules regarding applications for the initiation of downstream product monitoring and decisions regarding such applications.

(b) Contents of application. An application to designate a downstream product for monitoring under section 780 of the Act must contain the following information, to the extent reasonably available to the applicant:

(1) The name and address of the person requesting the monitoring and a description of the article it produces which is the basis for filing its application;

(2) A detailed description of the downstream product in question;

(3) A detailed description of the component product that is incorporated into the downstream product, including the value of the component part in relation to the value of the downstream product, and the extent to which the component part has been substantially transformed as a result of its incorporation into the downstream product;

(4) The name of the country of production of both the downstream and component products and the name of any intermediate country from which the merchandise is imported;

(5) The name and address of all known producers of component parts and downstream products in the relevant countries and a detailed description of any relationship between such producers;

(6) Whether the component part is already subject to monitoring to aid in the enforcement of a bilateral arrangement within the meaning of section 804 of the Trade and Tariff Act of 1984;

(7) A list of all antidumping or countervailing duty investigations that have been suspended, or antidumping or countervailing duty orders that have been issued, on merchandise that is related to the component part and that is manufactured in the same foreign country in which the component part is manufactured;

(8) A list of all antidumping or countervailing duty investigations that have been suspended, or antidumping or countervailing duty orders that have been issued, on merchandise that is manufactured or exported by the manufacturer or exporter of the component part and that is similar in description and use to the component part; and

(9) The reasons for suspecting that the imposition of antidumping or countervailing duties has resulted in a diversion of exports of the component part into increased production and exportation to the United States of the downstream product.

(c) Determination of sufficiency of application. Within 14 days after an application is filed under paragraph (b) of this section, the Secretary will rule on the sufficiency of the application by making the determinations described in section 780(a)(2) of the Act.

(d) Notice of determination. The Secretary will publish in the Federal Register notice of each affirmative or negative “monitoring” determination made under section 780(a)(2) of the Act, and if the determination under section 780(a)(2)(A) of the Act and a determination made under any clause of section 780(a)(2)(B) of the Act are affirmative, will transmit to the Commission a copy of the determination and the application. The Secretary will make available to the Commission, and to its employees directly involved in the monitoring, the information upon which the Secretary based the initiation.

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