Reviews of countervailing duty orders in connection with an investigation under section 753 of the Act.

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§ 351.219 Reviews of countervailing duty orders in connection with an investigation under section 753 of the Act.

(a) Introduction. Section 753 of the Act is a transition provision for countervailing duty orders that were issued under section 303 of the Act without an injury determination by the Commission. Under the Subsidies Agreement, one country may not impose countervailing duties on imports from another WTO Member without first making a determination that such imports have caused injury to a domestic industry. Section 753 provides a mechanism for providing an injury test with respect to those “no-injury” orders under section 303 that apply to merchandise from WTO Members. This section contains rules regarding requests for section 753 investigations by a domestic interested party; and the procedures that the Department will follow in reviewing a countervailing duty order and providing the Commission with advice regarding the amount and nature of a countervailable subsidy.

(b) Notification of domestic interested parties. The Secretary will notify directly domestic interested parties as soon as possible after the opportunity arises for requesting an investigation by the Commission under section 753 of the Act.

(c) Initiation and conduct of section 753 review. Where the Secretary deems it necessary in order to provide to the Commission information on the amount or nature of a countervailable subsidy (see section 753(b)(2) of the Act), the Secretary may initiate a section 753 review of the countervailing duty order in question. The Secretary will conduct a section 753 review in accordance with § 351.221.

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