Suspension of investigation.

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§ 351.208 Suspension of investigation.

(a) Introduction. In addition to the imposition of duties, the Act also permits the Secretary to suspend an antidumping or countervailing duty investigation by accepting a suspension agreement (referred to in the WTO Agreements as an “undertaking”). Briefly, in a suspension agreement, the exporters and producers or the foreign government agree to modify their behavior so as to eliminate dumping or subsidization or the injury caused thereby. If the Secretary accepts a suspension agreement, the Secretary will “suspend” the investigation and thereafter will monitor compliance with the agreement. This section contains rules for entering into suspension agreements and procedures for suspending an investigation.

(b) In general. The Secretary may suspend an investigation under section 704 or section 734 of the Act and this section.

(c) Definition of “substantially all.” Under section 704 and section 734 of the Act, exporters that account for “substantially all” of the merchandise means exporters and producers that have accounted for not less than 85 percent by value or volume of the subject merchandise during the period for which the Secretary is measuring dumping or countervailable subsidization in the investigation or such other period that the Secretary considers representative.

(d) Monitoring. In monitoring a suspension agreement under section 704(c), section 734(c), or section 734(l) of the Act (agreements to eliminate injurious effects or to restrict the volume of imports), the Secretary will not be obliged to ascertain on a continuing basis the prices in the United States of the subject merchandise or of domestic like products.

(e) Exports not to increase during interim period. The Secretary will not accept a suspension agreement under section 704(b)(2) or section 734(b)(1) of the Act (the cessation of exports) unless the agreement ensures that the quantity of the subject merchandise exported during the interim period set forth in the agreement does not exceed the quantity of the merchandise exported during a period of comparable duration that the Secretary considers representative.

(f) Procedure for suspension of investigation -

(1) Submission of proposed suspension agreement -

(i) In general. As appropriate, the exporters and producers or, in an antidumping investigation involving a nonmarket economy country or a countervailing duty investigation, the government, must submit to the Secretary a proposed suspension agreement within:

(A) In an antidumping investigation, 15 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination, or

(B) In a countervailing duty investigation, 7 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination.

(ii) Postponement of final determination. Where a proposed suspension agreement is submitted in an antidumping investigation, an exporter or producer or, in an investigation involving a nonmarket economy country, the government, may request postponement of the final determination under section 735(a)(2) of the Act (see § 351.210(e)). Where the final determination in a countervailing duty investigation is postponed under section 703(g)(2) or section 705(a)(1) of the Act (see § 351.210(b)(3) and § 351.210(i)), the time limits in paragraphs (f)(1)(i), (f)(2)(i), (f)(3), and (g)(1) of this section applicable to countervailing duty investigations will be extended to coincide with the time limits in such paragraphs applicable to antidumping investigations.

(iii) Special rule for regional industry determination. If the Commission makes a regional industry determination in its final affirmative determination under section 705(b) or section 735(b) of the Act but not in its preliminary affirmative determination under section 703(a) or section 733(a) of the Act, the exporters and producers or, in an antidumping investigation involving a nonmarket economy country or a countervailing duty investigation, the government, must submit to the Secretary any proposed suspension agreement within 15 days of the publication in the Federal Register of the antidumping or countervailing duty order.

(2) Notification and consultation. In fulfilling the requirements of section 704 or section 734 of the Act (whichever is applicable), the Secretary will take the following actions:

(i) In general. The Secretary will notify all parties to the proceeding of the proposed suspension of an investigation and provide to the petitioner a copy of the suspension agreement preliminarily accepted by the Secretary (the agreement must contain the procedures for monitoring compliance and a statement of the compatibility of the agreement with the requirements of section 704 or section 734 of the Act) within:

(A) In an antidumping investigation, 30 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination, or

(B) In a countervailing duty investigation, 15 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination; or

(ii) Special rule for regional industry determination. If the Commission makes a regional industry determination in its final affirmative determination under section 705(b) or section 735(b) of the Act but not in its preliminary affirmative determination under section 703(a) or section 733(a) of the Act, the Secretary, within 15 days of the submission of a proposed suspension agreement under paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, will notify all parties to the proceeding of the proposed suspension agreement and provide to the petitioner a copy of the agreement preliminarily accepted by the Secretary (such agreement must contain the procedures for monitoring compliance and a statement of the compatibility of the agreement with the requirements of section 704 or section 734 of the Act); and

(iii) Consultation. The Secretary will consult with the petitioner concerning the proposed suspension of the investigation.

(3) Opportunity for comment. The Secretary will provide all interested parties, an industrial user of the subject merchandise or a representative consumer organization, as described in section 777(h) of the Act, and United States government agencies an opportunity to submit written argument and factual information concerning the proposed suspension of the investigation within:

(i) In an antidumping investigation, 50 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination,

(ii) In a countervailing duty investigation, 35 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination, or

(iii) In a regional industry case described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, 35 days after the date of issuance of an order.

(g) Acceptance of suspension agreement.

(1) The Secretary may accept an agreement to suspend an investigation within:

(i) In an antidumping investigation, 60 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination,

(ii) In a countervailing duty investigation, 45 days after the date of issuance of the preliminary determination, or

(iii) In a regional industry case described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, 45 days after the date of issuance of an order.

(2) If the Secretary accepts an agreement to suspend an investigation, the Secretary will take the actions described in section 704(f), section 704(m)(3), section 734(f), or section 734(l)(3) of the Act (whichever is applicable), and will publish in the Federal Register notice of “Suspension of Antidumping (Countervailing Duty) Investigation,” including the text of the agreement. If the Secretary has not already published notice of an affirmative preliminary determination, the Secretary will include that notice. In accepting an agreement, the Secretary may rely on factual or legal conclusions the Secretary reached in or after the affirmative preliminary determination.

(h) Continuation of investigation.

(1) A request to the Secretary under section 704(g) or section 734(g) of the Act for the continuation of the investigation must be made in writing. In addition, the request must be simultaneously filed with the Commission, and the requester must so certify in submitting the request to the Secretary.

(2) If the Secretary and the Commission make affirmative final determinations in an investigation that has been continued, the suspension agreement will remain in effect in accordance with the factual and legal conclusions in the Secretary's final determination. If either the Secretary or the Commission makes a negative final determination, the agreement will have no force or effect.

(i) Merchandise imported in excess of allowed quantity.

(1) The Secretary may instruct the Customs Service not to accept entries, or withdrawals from warehouse, for consumption of subject merchandise in excess of any quantity allowed by a suspension agreement under section 704 or section 734 of the Act, including any quantity allowed during the interim period (see paragraph (e) of this section).

(2) Imports in excess of the quantity allowed by a suspension agreement, including any quantity allowed during the interim period (see paragraph (e) of this section), may be exported or destroyed under Customs Service supervision, except that if the agreement is under section 704(c)(3) or section 734(l) of the Act (restrictions on the volume of imports), the excess merchandise, with the approval of the Secretary, may be held for future opening under the agreement by placing it in a foreign trade zone or by entering it for warehouse.

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