(a) Introduction. “Termination” is a term of art that refers to the end of an antidumping or countervailing duty proceeding in which an order has not yet been issued. The Act establishes a variety of mechanisms by which an investigation may be terminated, most of which are dealt with in this section. For rules regarding the termination of a suspended investigation following a review under section 751 of the Act, see § 351.222.
(b) Withdrawal of petition; self-initiated investigations -
(1) In general. The Secretary may terminate an investigation under section 704(a)(1)(A) or section 734(a)(1)(A) (withdrawal of petition) or under section 704(k) or section 734(k) (self-initiated investigation) of the Act, provided that the Secretary concludes that termination is in the public interest. If the Secretary terminates an investigation, the Secretary will publish in the Federal Register notice of “Termination of Antidumping (Countervailing Duty) Investigation,” together with, when appropriate, a copy of any correspondence with the petitioner forming the basis of the withdrawal and the termination. (For the treatment in a subsequent investigation of records compiled in an investigation in which the petition was withdrawn, see section 704(a)(1)(B) or section 734(a)(1)(B) of the Act.)
(2) Withdrawal of petition based on acceptance of quantitative restriction agreements. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, if a termination is based on the acceptance of an understanding or other kind of agreement to limit the volume of imports into the United States of the subject merchandise, the Secretary will apply the provisions of section 704(a)(2) or section 734(a)(2) of the Act (whichever is applicable) regarding public interest and consultations with consuming industries and producers and workers.
(c) Lack of interest. The Secretary may terminate an investigation based upon lack of interest (see section 782(h)(1) of the Act). Where the Secretary terminates an investigation under this paragraph, the Secretary will publish the notice described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(d) Negative determination. An investigation terminates automatically upon publication in the Federal Register of the Secretary's negative final determination or the Commission's negative preliminary or final determination.
(e) End of suspension of liquidation. When an investigation terminates, if the Secretary previously ordered suspension of liquidation, the Secretary will order the suspension ended on the date of publication of the notice of termination referred to in paragraph (b) of this section or on the date of publication of a negative determination referred to in paragraph (d) of this section, and will instruct the Customs Service to release any cash deposit or bond.